How To Mass Unsubscribe From Email Newsletters At Once
How To Mass Unsubscribe From Email Newsletters as are you bored with unknown newsletter that you are getting in your email inbox and making your inbox as a dustbin.Its quite obvious that know or unknowing you subscribe for newsletter giving your email id.But after sometime you understand that these are just nothing else making your inbox mess.And the main problem you will figure out that how to unsubscribe from all these stuff at once.Then i am telling you are came right site to know the trick.So you have to do the few steps
Step 1.Visit the site
Step 1.Visit the site
Step 2.Now enter your email id that you want to unsubscribe from unwanted newsletter
Step 3.You have to give permission like this
Step 4.For Google you have to give special permission like this
Step 5.Now select the folder that you want to scan for subscribed email default is inbox and trash
Step 6.Now click on begin scan
Step 7.It will take few minutes
Step 8.After scan you will get the list of site that you are subscribed
Step 9.To unsubscribed just select unsubscribed like this you can also delete the all message
Step 10.For some site like flipkart you may need to visit that site , entering your mail id and unsubscribe
This site provide this awesome feature at free of cost but in this case Unsubscribr only will scan email of last 5 days from inbox and trash.If you have money then you can go for its Premium plan at Only $2.00 - Forever.
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