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Basic Usage of BackTrack

What is Backtrack :
 it is a open source operating systems which is mainly used for penetration testing.Backtrack supports the security professional with the process of reconnaissance, discovery, enumeration, vulnerability mapping, social engineering, exploitation, privilege escalation, and maintaining access.

Backtrack 5 is Released on 10th May 2011.it is Based on Ubuntu Lucid LTS. Kernel 2.6.38, patched with all relevant wireless injection patches. Fully open source and GPL compliant.It is specially suited for penetration testing, with more than 300 tools available for the task.
Basic Commands : 

Default username: root

Default Password : toor

To start a GUI environment : startx

To change password : passwd

To get an IP address from a DHCP server : dhclient

To start Networking : /etc/init.d/networking start

To start wifi device : /etc/init.d/wicd start

This should be started before attempting to open the client. Once you have started the daemon you can open the GUI interface for the client from the KDE menu : KDE > Internet > Wicd Network Manager

To start ssh service : /etc/init.d/ssh start

Note : When using a ssh server for the first time on Backtrack you will need to generate keys: sshd-generate

To download package & installing : apt-get install <package name>

To remove package : apt-get remove [--purge] <package name >

To update package : apt-get update

To install a deb package : dpkg -i <package name.deb>

To check out Lists the contents of a .deb file : dpkg -c <package.deb>

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