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Free Google Books Search Download with Google Book Downloader and More

Google Books store is one of the most promising ebook store where you can have information about almost all the books published worldwide. It allows you to read books on the go & manage your library categorically. Now you can download the books available in Google Books shelf for free in PDF, JPEG or PNG format with GbooksDownloader. It is compatible with Windows & Mac.

Google Books

Google Books can be read online with no need to download but when you are offline, downloading the book, the one which you are reading currently, is the best option. Most of the books are available for free so its a nice catch. These books, even though they can be read online, are not in PDF format which can be downloaded directly from any browser. Also not every book is available for reading online but you can have its full information from this store. All I want to say is that the books which can be read here, can also be downloaded fully by this downloader. There is nothing like demo or skipped pages in the downloaded PDF.


How to download Books from GbooksDownloader

  • Search a book that you want to read.
  • Open its information and you will be seeing the book loading.
  • Check the book & the number of its pages.
  • Once you are convinced about the book just copy the link from the address bar & paste into GbooksDownloader.
  • Now select the basic options like Resolution & your desired format & define the download path & hit Start.
  • Your work is done here. Let the downloader finish its act now.



I personally have downloaded the above mentioned book Mein Kampf & its about 30.2MB in size, so I am pretty much sure about the book has been downloaded fully. This downloader is bug free and quick in its action & very easy in its process.
Moreover, if you don’t get your desired book available in Google Books store, you can search for it by using Google Hacks. Review our previous post about Google Hacks. It is also an official & advanced searching tool for education purpose. And it gives results with flying colors. I assure you all about the search results given by Google Hacks.

Converting Ebooks into your desired formats


Now let’s talk about the books which are not available in Google Books store. You can get search results from Google Hacks and then download from there. Almost all the books available on the web are in PDF format, so all you have to do is to download its PDF and save it. If you are using PDF reader then there is no need of converting it.
If you want to convert the book in Epub, Mobi etc format use Calibre Ebook converter. It converts PDF into almost all the available formats for your mobile devices like Kindle or iPad. Just add the book & select Convert individually, then select your desired format. Your book will be converted now. The time taken for converting, depends on the size of the book.
Reading books is an amazing experience that we get from the stories or valuable information inside the books. Plus, getting all your books at your hand anytime is like a need & these are the two ways to deal with it. Have fun reading books in these ways!

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